Daily Prayers

Prayer is Love, I want to Love

Category: Fr John’s Weekly

  • Looking Inside

    Whatever we hope and plan for includes human nature – likings and loathings, loves and hatreds, loyalties and betrayals. We are watching it happen as the first fruits of Brexit. But it was all there before, simply hidden.

  • Who Is Our Sister?

    In a fine article in this week’s Tablet Sarah Teather, former LibDem MP and now a director of the Jesuit Refugee Service, asks “Who are they with whom we weep?” and talks about Jo Cox, the murdered MP, who spoke so passionately about refugees. So who is our sister? Is she a Syrian in a…

  • Attitude

    This time next week we shall all be alive, in or out of Europe, in or out of the European Football Championship, and you may be excited, feeling disappointed or just as you are today. But the horrifying killing of Jo Cox reminds us that people are capable of making important issues matters of life…

  • Who Reigns?

    Queen Elizabeth’s official birthday, funeral of Muhammad Ali, opening of the European Football Championships, England v Sri Lanka at cricket, Cardinal Sarah’s latest statement (we can’t keep him out of the headlines), the EU Referendum debate driving on – our days and minds are full. Are they? How much does our Queen Elizabeth and her…

  • Excuses & The EU

    There are now two cruiser-weight world boxing champions. Should they fight to unify the titles? “Everyone wants to see this fight,” said the man. Everyone? “No-one’s interested in politics, that’s the trouble,” said the man. No one? “I feel certain that the majority of people in this country, city, society, parish feel as I do,”…

  • Finance – TV Service

    Finance in the diocese is controlled from the office in Nottingham. Each parish is allowed to hold up to £5,000 in its current account but all other money is held in the central fund. This is good sense. Parishes in need borrow from the diocese rather than from a bank and pay a lower rate of interest, whilst the parishes holding…

  • Grumblers and Criticisers

    I used to notice that grownups’ conversations were full of grumbles and criticisms. That’s how it was. They saw so much that was wrong about people and about the world. Then someone would say “We should count our blessings” and they all agreed – but nobody ever did!

  • Women Deacons

     This coming Tuesday, 17th May, Tony Bolger is coming to speak to the parish about the possibilities of televising all that happens in our church and parish. Every day people at home would be able to share the celebration of mass and relatives and friends around the world would be able to pray with us.…

  • Communication

    Dear Father, “Go out to the whole world; proclaim the Good News to all creation (Luke 16:15). “Communication lies at the heart of the Gospel. It is necessarily a foundation for the life and development of the Church. Our Church must be sure to be communicating the Gospel to all people, using all the various…

  • Statement on the EU Referendum

    Reflecting on the forthcoming vote, we recognise the historic nature of this referendum and its implications for future generations. The outcome will have consequences for the future not only of the United Kingdom, but for Europe and for the world. In our view, three things are essential: • that we pray for the guidance of…