Updated: 19th June 2023
What is the origin and aim of this site?
The website origin is a part-fulfilment of one of many small but unfinished dreams. This dream is to help others in their prayer life and to help the poor.
The hope is simple; should just one person find a short-term benefit, then all efforts endured compiling it have already been paid in full. Should a visitor decide to return to the site to pray, help the poor or even out of curiosity, then the unfinished dream, I surrender to their God.
In addition to being a resource for many well known traditional prayers, the site will publish short daily prayers and reflections. There will be four main reader options – Today’s Saint, a Gospel Reflection, a (9 day) Novena and a Gospel Story. With the help of others, the site will be of practical use to people of all ages and professions; from the young to the old, believers to non-believers and parents to teachers.
Of course, we are all searching for eternal peace and happiness; it’s through our prayers and actions we achieve that reward.
All site content conforms fully to the precepts and tenants of the Roman Catholic faith.
What is the symbolism of the site logo and tagline?

The cross depicted is the St Bridget’s Cross; a simple cross that many will have perhaps unwittingly made from straws or strands of vegetation. As with all crosses, however, a burden was carried to accomplish the dream. While our own lives have many burdens, others before us have carried many crosses that have lightened our present-day load.
This site is dedicated to my family’s special saint and mother, Bridget RIP. We offer to her our most sincere thanks and promise not to forget her in death. It is humbling to know that the prayers we make to God today, will reduce our departed and our own forthcoming burdens many-fold.
The site tagline is a simple and humble statement. Perhaps a small elaboration of the statement might read, “A prayer is a form of love and I want to love you, my God”.
Can others contribute to the website prayers, scripts, media, etc?
Yes, please. Your contributions to any one or all of the three calendars or other aspects of the website are heartily invited but contributions must be copyright free and the website reserves the right to make changes as they so wish. Unlike many websites, the site isn’t fixed for a decade; neither does it have a team of site builders working behind the scene. There is a simple belief underpinning its future and it is this; if others want it to survive, it will survive with the support of its community of users.
In what additional ways can others help to support this site?
Here is a quick list of the top three support opportunities:
- Your personal prayers for everyone who uses the site.
- Telling others about the site.
- E-mailing your copyright-free prayers, stories or images for others to enjoy.
What is the site’s advertisement policy?
See our Cookie, Disclaimer and Privacy policies.
How can we contact you?
In the first instance, please check that the answer to your question cannot already be found in these FAQ’s, our policies or through the site search mechanism. Failing that, then use the e-mail service but, be mindful that the site does not have a team of workers on hand to quickly respond.
If you want to share prayers, stories or other materials, your contribution is very welcome and much appreciated. In advance, thank you for your help and God bless you for your efforts. (Once again, please note, if you submit a script, prayer or story, our right to adjust and display it as deemed appropriate, is automatically assumed.)
How are the Daily and Novena Calendars planned?
The Daily Calendar follows the liturgical annual cycle but occasionally it may not always be perfect for you. This is because different countries make cycle changes to celebrate their own special events and Saints. So, using our library of Gospel Moments (450+) and Novenas (70+) you can easily switch to others if necessary.
Novenas are traditionally said over a nine-day period, ending on the day prior to the Saint’s special feast day. It isn’t possible to create the perfect Novena Calendar; there are simply too many novenas in existence and too few days in the year.
This is our collection of novenas, it’s not perfect but offers an opportunity to extend our daily intercessions through the many millions of saints already in heaven. Where possible, we have finished novenas on or close to their matching Feast Day.
What is the site’s copyright policy?
It has come as a great surprise to find so many copyright restrictions on the use of well-known prayers, novenas and scripts. For many people their daily conversation with God does not flow easily; they need help through the writings and prayers composed by many others, often decades ago. Every effort has been made to verify the copyright status of all materials used and, to the best of our knowledge, there are no infringements. If you believe copyrighted material has been incorrectly quoted please contact us.
You may freely use our website materials, respecting copyright fair usage to spread Jesus’ religious message; that’s what He gave his life for. Using materials for commercial use is not allowed. Occasionally, some of our storybook accounts and scripts have copyright tenure but published with the author’s agreement, this must be respected.

Biblical references are taken from a variety of liturgical sources. Copyright fair usage is respected. Permission has been obtained where required.
NOTE: This is a not-for-profit website.