Daily Prayers

Prayer is Love, I want to Love

Category: Jesus’ Life

  • Paul’s First Journey With Barnabas

    Jesus’ Life: Chapter 21 – Paul’s Missionary Journeys The Holy Spirit guided a group of “prophets and teachers” in the Christian Church of Antioch, Syria, to send Paul and Barnabus on a missionary journey to preach the Gospel of Jesus in Cyprus and Southern Galatia, Turkey. In preparation for their journey, the group entered into…

  • Arrest And Imprisonment Of Peter

    Jesus’ Life: Chapter 20 – Early Spread Of Gospel By the Disciples Following the beheading of James, Herod Agrippa, wishing to ingratiate himself further in the eyes of the Jews, had Peter arrested but postponed his trial and intended execution until after the Passover festival. Peter was guarded 24hrs by a team of 16 soldiers who…

  • Death Of James The Apostle

    Jesus’ Life: Chapter 20 – Early Spread Of Gospel By the Disciples James and John were brothers, the sons of Zebedee. Jesus selected both to be among his chosen Twelve. When their mother asked Jesus if they could sit, one on God’s right and the other on His left in their next life, He answered,…

  • The Jerusalem Council

    Jesus’ Life: Chapter 20 – Early Spread Of Gospel By the Disciples Peter’s directive to welcome uncircumcised Gentiles without having to follow Jewish ceremonial customs into the Christian Church, was not met with immediate approval by all Jewish Christians in Jerusalem. Indeed, many took issue with him saying, “You went to uncircumcised men and shared…

  • Peter Visits Cornelius

    Jesus’ Life: Chapter 20 – Early Spread Of Gospel By the Disciples While the Twelve Apostles continued to preach and teach the Gospel of the Risen Jesus to the Jewish people in Jerusalem others, such as Philip, preached it to them in Samaria and places well beyond the city. However, despite their many conversions, they were…

  • Peter Raises Dorcas (Tabitha)

    Jesus’ Life: Chapter 20 – Early Spread Of Gospel By the Disciples While Peter was in Lydda, some seven or so miles away a woman named Tabitha (Greek for Dorcas) became ill and died. Like many others in the region, she was possibly a convert of Philips. She was well known and highly respected in the community for…

  • Peter Heals Aeneas

    Jesus’ Life: Chapter 20 – Early Spread Of Gospel By the Disciples As the number of Christians grew in areas outside Jerusalem, Peter made occasional tours to meet his disciples, encourage them in their work and ensure conformity to Gospel teachings. On one such journey, probably when Paul was in Arabia, he passed through Judea,…

  • Paul’s First Return to Jerusalem

    Jesus’ Life: Chapter 20 – Early Spread Of Gospel By the Disciples Paul’s insight and understanding of Jesus’ Gospel, was not gained from the Twelve Apostles nor from other disciples; his only prior indirect association with them was through his reign of persecution. Instead, he “received it by a revelation of Jesus Christ”. (Galatians 1:11-12) Following…

  • Paul’s Conversion

    Jesus’ Life: Chapter 20 – Early Spread Of Gospel By the Disciples Paul’s persecution of Christians continued after Stephen’s killing, driven by his malice and rage. Not content with persecuting them in Jerusalem, he went to the high priest of the Sanhedrin, Annas or Caiaphas, and sought letters subjecting all synagogues in Damascus to allow…

  • Philip And The Ethiopian Eunuch

    Jesus’ Life: Chapter 20 – Early Spread Of Gospel By the Disciples Another opportunity ensued for Philip, an Angel of the Lord appeared to him and told him to go to Gaza! Philip, obedient to the Lord, got up and went. On the road, he met an Ethiopian eunuch, sitting on a chariot and reading…