History: St Paul, although not one of the original twelve apostles, was a critical figure associated with the early spread of Christianity following Jesus’ crucifixion. St Paul was a devout Jew with Roman citizenship. He persecuted early followers of Jesus and tried to prevent the formation of the Christian Church. However, one day when travelling to Damascus he had a life-changing vision and was blinded for three days. Paul became an immediate convert to Christianity and devoted his remaining years to travelling, preaching and conversion. He was imprisoned and, although he avoided execution on various occasions, he was eventually martyred around 67AD. The Feast of St Paul is the 29th of June.

Day 1: Heavenly Father, you chose Paul to preach your Word, help me to be enlightened by the faith that he proclaimed.

St. Paul, you relied fully on God after your glorious conversion. Help us to know that our faith relies on God as you also knew. St. Paul, pray for us and ask God to grant the intentions we hold within our hearts. (State your intentions here…)
Holy St. Paul, you taught others about the saving message of Jesus, intercede for us so that Christ may live in us. Help us to know and imitate you and your love for Jesus. It is through your writings that many people have come to know Jesus, may all people know and glorify God through your writings and intercession.
Glory be to the Father… Amen.

Day 2: Heavenly Father, you chose Paul to preach your Word, help me to be enlightened by the faith that he proclaimed.
St. Paul, you lived a truly authentic Christian life. You faced many difficulties but you always had steadfast faith in the Lord. Help us to live authentic Christian lives and embrace the difficulties we face every day as you did. St. Paul, pray for us and ask God to grant the intentions we hold within our hearts. (State your intentions here…)
Holy St. Paul, you taught others about the saving message of Jesus, intercede for us so that Christ may live in us. Help us to know and imitate you and your love for Jesus. It is through your writings that many people have come to know Jesus, may all people know and glorify God through your writings and intercession.
Glory be to the Father… Amen.

Day 3: Heavenly Father, you chose Paul to preach your Word, help me to be enlightened by the faith that he proclaimed.
St. Paul, you understood the gift of Christian love and lived it passionately every day. Help us to live out the gift of love in our daily lives as you did. St. Paul, pray for us and ask God to grant the intentions we hold within our hearts. (State your intentions here…)
Holy St. Paul, you taught others about the saving message of Jesus, intercede for us so that Christ may live in us. Help us to know and imitate you and your love for Jesus. It is through your writings that many people have come to know Jesus, may all people know and glorify God through your writings and intercession.
Glory be to the Father… Amen.

Day 4: Heavenly Father, you chose Paul to preach your Word, help me to be enlightened by the faith that he proclaimed.
St. Paul, after your conversion you lived your faith with a great fervour. Help us to appreciate the value of faith in Christ as you did. St. Paul, pray for us and ask God to grant the intentions we hold within our hearts. (State your intentions here…)
Holy St. Paul, you taught others about the saving message of Jesus, intercede for us so that Christ may live in us. Help us to know and imitate you and your love for Jesus. It is through your writings that many people have come to know Jesus, may all people know and glorify God through your writings and intercession.
Glory be to the Father… Amen.

Day 5: Heavenly Father, you chose Paul to preach your Word, help me to be enlightened by the faith that he proclaimed.
St. Paul, you were martyred and suffered greatly in the name of Jesus. When we suffer, help us to unite our suffering to the suffering of Christ’s passion as you did during your gruesome martyrdom. St. Paul, pray for us and ask God to grant the intentions we hold within our hearts. (State your intentions here…)
Holy St. Paul, you taught others about the saving message of Jesus, intercede for us so that Christ may live in us. Help us to know and imitate you and your love for Jesus. It is through your writings that many people have come to know Jesus, may all people know and glorify God through your writings and intercession.
Glory be to the Father… Amen.

Day 6: Heavenly Father, you chose Paul to preach your Word, help me to be enlightened by the faith that he proclaimed.
St. Paul, you lived a full life preaching the message of Jesus wherever you went. Help us to live a life worthy of God’s love for us as you did. St. Paul, pray for us and ask God to grant the intentions we hold within our hearts. (State your intentions here…)
Holy St. Paul, you taught others about the saving message of Jesus, intercede for us so that Christ may live in us. Help us to know and imitate you and your love for Jesus. It is through your writings that many people have come to know Jesus, may all people know and glorify God through your writings and intercession.
Glory be to the Father… Amen.

Day 7: Heavenly Father, you chose Paul to preach your Word, help me to be enlightened by the faith that he proclaimed.
St. Paul, you were once a persecutor of Christians. By the grace of God, Jesus appeared to you causing your conversion. Help us to be open to the life-giving change in the Gospel as you were at the time of your conversion. St. Paul, pray for us and ask God to grant the intentions we hold within our hearts. (State your intentions here…)
Holy St. Paul, you taught others about the saving message of Jesus, intercede for us so that Christ may live in us. Help us to know and imitate you and your love for Jesus. It is through your writings that many people have come to know Jesus, may all people know and glorify God through your writings and intercession.
Glory be to the Father… Amen.

Day 8: Heavenly Father, you chose Paul to preach your Word, help me to be enlightened by the faith that he proclaimed.
St. Paul, you preached about the need for reconciliation and taught Christians that Jesus died so that our sins may be forgiven. Help us to frequent the Sacrament of Reconciliation to continually experience God’s infinite forgiveness. St. Paul, pray for us and ask God to grant the intentions we hold within our hearts. (State your intentions here…)
Holy St. Paul, you taught others about the saving message of Jesus, intercede for us so that Christ may live in us. Help us to know and imitate you and your love for Jesus. It is through your writings that many people have come to know Jesus, may all people know and glorify God through your writings and intercession.
Glory be to the Father… Amen.

Day 9: Heavenly Father, you chose Paul to preach your Word, help me to be enlightened by the faith that he proclaimed.
St. Paul, you were filled with joy as you took on your journey to spread the message of salvation to everyone you met. Help us to live the vocation all Christians have to share the “good news” of the Gospel with others. St. Paul, pray for us and ask God to grant the intentions we hold within our hearts. (State your intentions here…)
Holy St. Paul, you taught others about the saving message of Jesus, intercede for us so that Christ may live in us. Help us to know and imitate you and your love for Jesus. It is through your writings that many people have come to know Jesus, may all people know and glorify God through your writings and intercession.
Glory be to the Father… Amen.
[Ref: St Paul Center]