Litany 1
Leader (L): Lord, have mercy on us. Response (R): Christ have mercy on us.
(L): Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us. (R): Christ, graciously hear us.
(L): God the Father Almighty. (R): Have mercy on us.
(L): God the Son, Redeemer of the world, Who said, “seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” (R): Have mercy on us.
(L): God the Holy Spirit; Spirit of Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel and Knowledge. (R): Have mercy on us.
(L): Holy Trinity, One God, infinite in power. (R): Have mercy on us.
The RESPONSE to the following invocations is: Pray for us
(L): Holy Mary, who never refuses a petition.
(L): Immaculate Virgin, Queen of Heaven and Earth.
(L): Our Lady of the Sacred Heart.
(L): Holy angels, spirits of humility.
(L): Holy principalities, protectors of religious communities.
(L): Holy virtues, angels of fortitude.
(L): Holy cherubim, angels of light.
(L): St Rita, Advocate of the Impossible.
(L): St. Rita, consecrated to God.
(L): St. Rita, lover of Jesus Crucified.
(L): St. Rita, bride of the suffering Saviour.
(L): St. Rita, filled with compassion for the sufferings of Christ.
(L): St. Rita, crowned by an angel with a crown of thorns.
(L): St. Rita, who bore the wound of the Crown on thy forehead.
(L): St. Rita, who firmly trusted in the loving mercy of Jesus.
(L): St. Rita, who persistently begged the dying Saviour with ardent supplications.
(L): St. Rita, who never doubted a gracious answer to thy prayer.
The RESPONSE to the following invocations is: Pray for us , St Rita
(L): That we may renounce all self-love.
(L): That we may confidently trust in the promises of Jesus.
(L): That the enemies of our salvation may be put to confusion.
(L): That we may ever perfectly fulfill the will of God.
(L): That our inclinations to evil may be destroyed.
(L): That the Faith in all its purity may be spread over our land.
(L): That a holy zeal may fill our hearts.
(L): That we may infuse a holy love for chastity into all who come in contact with us.
(L): That in all our actions and omissions we may endeavor to promote a tender charity.
(L): That we may be delivered from all avarice, vain glory and rash judgment.
(L): That great saints may arise in our land who will edify the people and dispel the darkness of unbelief.
(L): That we may be delivered from all interior enemies.
(L): Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. (R): Spare us, O Lord.
(L): Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. (R): Graciously hear us, O Lord.
(L): Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. (R): Have mercy on us.
(L): Pray for us, Saint Rita. (R): That we may be made worthy of the promises of Jesus Christ.
Let Us Pray.
O God, in Your infinite tenderness, You looked favourably on St Rita and granted to her, supplications that where humanly impossible, all in reward for her compassionate love and firm reliance in Your promises. Have pity upon us now in our adversity and assist us in our calamities so that unbelievers may come to know that You are the redemption of the humble, the defence of the helpless, and the strength of those who trust in You. This we ask through Jesus Christ Your Son. Amen.
O God, You granted to St. Rita the great grace of love for her enemies and, both in her heart and on her forehead, the strength to humbly bear the stigmata of Thy Passion. Have regard now, we humbly beseech You, to answer our merits and our prayers, and grant that we may in such wisdom, show mercy to our enemies, meditate on the pains of Thy Passion and attain the blessedness promised to those who are meek and to those who mourn. This we ask through Jesus Christ Your Son. Amen.
O Glorious Saint Rita, who miraculously participated in the sorrowful Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, obtain for us the grace to suffer with resignation the troubles of this life and protect us in all our needs. Amen.
Litany 2
Leader (L): Lord, have mercy on us. Response (R): Christ, have mercy on us.
(L): Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us. (R): Christ, graciously hear us.
(L): God the Father of Heaven. (R): Have mercy on us.
(L): God the Son, Redeemer of the world. (R): Have mercy on us.
(L): God the Holy Spirit. (R): Have mercy on us.
(L): Holy Trinity, One God. (R): Have mercy on us.
The RESPONSE to the following invocations is: Pray for us
(L): Immaculate Mary, Mother of God.
(L): Holy Mary, Mother of purest love.
(L): Holy Mary, pierced with a sword of grief.
(L): Holy Mary, comforter of the afflicted.
(L): Holy Mary, Queen of all Saints.
(L): Holy Mary, Protector of St. Rita.
(L): O Saint Rita, our advocate and patron.
(L): O Saint Rita, predestined by the Lord.
(L): O Saint Rita, gift of Heaven.
(L): O Saint Rita, foretold by an angel.
(L): O Saint Rita, remarkable in childhood.
(L): O Saint Rita, delight of solitude.
(L): O Saint Rita, example of obedience.
(L): O Saint Rita, united to the Divine will.
(L): O Saint Rita, untiring of patience.
(L): O Saint Rita, model of gentleness.
(L): O Saint Rita, honour of Christian mothers.
(L): O Saint Rita, mirror of Christian spouses.
(L): O Saint Rita, miracle of fortitude.
(L): O Saint Rita, heroic in sacrifice.
(L): O Saint Rita, generous in forgiving.
(L): O Saint Rita, tender benefactor of enemies.
(L): O Saint Rita, martyr in penitence.
(L): O Saint Rita, abased through humility.
(L): O Saint Rita, embracing of voluntary poverty.
(L): O Saint Rita, exemplar as a widow.
(L): O Saint Rita, beloved of Jesus.
(L): O Saint Rita, permitted to converse with thy Divine Spouse.
(L): O Saint Rita, prompt at the Divine call.
(L): O Saint Rita, mirror of Convent life.
(L): O Saint Rita, mystical rose of every virtue.
(L): O Saint Rita, sweet honey of the comb.
(L): O Saint Rita, bouquet of fragrant myrrh.
(L): O Saint Rita, wedded to the Passion of Christ.
(L): O Saint Rita, pierced with a thorn.
(L): O Saint Rita, deep sea of contrition.
(L): O Saint Rita, in ecstasies before the Blessed Sacrament.
(L): O Saint Rita, consumed with Divine love.
(L): O Saint Rita, bidden to the Bridegroom’s throne.
(L): O Saint Rita, received in Heaven with joy.
(L): O Saint Rita, arrayed in unspeakable glory.
(L): O Saint Rita, incorrupt in thy chaste body.
(L): O Saint Rita, Advocate of the Impossible.
(L): O Saint Rita, Advocate of Desperate Causes.
(L): O Saint Rita, light of the Holy Church.
(L): O Saint Rita, cure for the unfaithful.
(L): O Saint Rita, balm for every sorrow.
(L): O Saint Rita, balsam for every ill.
(L): O Saint Rita, persevering in prayer.
(L): O Saint Rita, confident in thy prayer.
(L): O Saint Rita, who obtained mercies from thy dying Jesus.
(L): O Saint Rita, who knows the way to His Sacred Heart.
(L): O Saint Rita, our powerful advocate.
(L): Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. (R): Spare us, O Lord.
(L): Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. (R): Graciously hear us, O Lord.
(L): Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. (R): Have mercy on us.
(L): Thou has signed Thy servant St Rita. (R): With the signs of Thy Love and Passion.
(L): Pray for us, Saint Rita. (R): That we may be made worthy of the promises of Jesus Christ.
Let Us Pray.
O God, in Your infinite tenderness, You looked favourably on St Rita and granted to her, supplications that where humanly impossible, all in reward for her compassionate love and firm reliance in Your promises. Have pity upon us now in our adversity and assist us in our calamities so that unbelievers may come to know that You are the redemption of the humble, the defence of the helpless, and the strength of those who trust in You. This we ask through Jesus Christ Your Son. Amen.