Holy Souls
(Our Lord told St. Gertrude the Great that the following prayer would release 1,000 Souls from Purgatory each time it was said. The prayer was later extended to include living sinners.)
“Eternal Father, I offer You the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the Holy Souls in purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal Church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen”.
Before Work
O Lord Jesus Christ, in union with your most perfect actions I commend to you this my work, to be directed according to your adorable will, for the salvation of all mankind. Amen.
Precious Body and Blood of Jesus
How great, O my Jesus, is the extent of your excessive charity! You have prepared for me, of your most precious Body and Blood, a divine banquet, where you give me yourself without reserve. What has urged you to this excess of love? Nothing but you’re own most loving Heart.
O adorable Heart of my Jesus, furnace of Divine Love, receive my soul into the wound of your most Sacred Passion, that in this school of charity I may learn to make a return of love to that God who has given me such wonderful proofs of His love.
Sacred Heart of Jesus
O Sacred Heart of Jesus,
fountain of eternal life,
Your Heart is a glowing furnace of Love.
You are my refuge and my sanctuary.
O my adorable and loving Saviour,
consume my heart with the burning fire
with which Yours is inflamed.
Pour down on my soul those graces which flow from Your love.
Let my heart be united with Yours.
Let my will be conformed to Yours in all things.
May Your Will be the rule of all my desires and actions. Amen.
Reflections on the Passion of Jesus
1.) O Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal sweetness and jubilee of those who love you, remember all the presentiment of grief you did endure from the moment of your conception, and especially at your entrance into your Passion, when you said: My soul is sorrowful even unto death; and when, by reason of your overwhelming dread and anguish and grief, you did sweat, as it were, drops of Blood trickling down upon the ground. Remember all the bitterness of your sorrow when you were seized upon by the Jews, accused by false witnesses, condemned by three judges, buffeted and smitten, spit upon, scourged, and crowned with thorns. O sweetest Jesus, I implore you, by all the sorrows and insults you endured, have mercy on me, a sinner.
2.) O Jesus, inexhaustible fountain of pity, remember now that bitterness which you endured when your strength being exhausted and your sacred Body dried up, you felt that burning thirst, and had not one drop of water to cool your parched tongue, but only vinegar upon hyssop; I beseech you that you would extinguish in me the thirst of sin and worldly delights. Amen.
3.) Accept, O compassionate Jesus, this my prayer with that exceeding love wherewith you endured a bitter Death, and offered it, together with all the fruit of your most sacred Humanity, to God the Father on the day of your Ascension; and by the depth of those Wounds which scarred your Flesh and pierced your hands and feet and Heart, I beseech you, raise me up, who am steeped and sunk in sin, and render me well-pleasing to you in all things. Amen.
(Written by St Gertrude)
… St Gertrude, Pray for Us …