Good Thief Prayer
My Crucified Jesus,
wash me with your most Precious Blood.
Look upon me as the good thief,
who hung on the cross next to You at Calvary.
A sinner, paying for his crimes,
but recognizes your divinity
and begs for mercy and forgiveness
and asks: “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom”
Dear Lord, look upon me like the Good Thief.
And I should be so lucky, full of Peace. Amen.
Prayer To St Dismas
Saint Dismas, you alone were Canonized a Saint by Christ Himself;
you were assured of a place in Heaven with Him, “This day”
because you confessed your sins to Him on Calvary;
and you were truly sorry for them as you hung beside Him on a cross;
you who opened the Heart of Jesus in mercy and forgiveness
even before the centurion’s spear tore it asunder;
you whose face was close to that of Jesus in His last agony,
to offer Him a word of comfort;
you who knew how to pray,
teach me the words to say to gain pardon for my sins;
and you who are close to Him now in Heaven,
pray to Him for me that I shall never again desert Him,
but that at the close of my life I may hear the words He addressed to you:
“This day thou shalt be with Me in Paradise.” Amen.
… St Dismas, Pray for Us …