Daily Prayers

Prayer is Love, I want to Love

Tag: St Augustine of Hippo

  • Augustine of Hippo

    Let me Know Myself Lord Jesus, let me know myself and know You, And desire nothing save only You. Let me hate myself and love You. Let me do everything for the sake of You. Let me humble myself and exalt You. Let me think of nothing except You. Let me die to myself and…

  • St Augustine of Hippo

    Featured Saint: St Augustine of Hippo (354 – 430) St Augustine was born in Thagaste, Algeria. His father was a pagan who prevented his wife, St Monica, from raising him as a devout Christian. St Augustine described his youth as misspent, initially living a “hedonistic lifestyle” and fathering a child with a lover. St Augustine…

  • Prayer 28th Aug – St Augustine

    Featured Saint: St Augustine of Hippo (354 – 430) St Augustine was born in Thagaste, Algeria. His father was a pagan who prevented his wife, St Monica, from raising him as a devout Christian. St Augustine described his youth as misspent, initially living a “hedonistic lifestyle” and fathering a child with a lover. He converted…