Daily Prayers

Prayer is Love, I want to Love

Presentation of Mary (Feast)

The Feast of the Presentation of Mary commemorates the occasion when St Joachim and St Ann, the Blessed Virgin Mary’s parents, took Mary to the Temple in Jerusalem. She was about three years old. Their visit was to thank God for the gift of their child, Mary, and consecrate her life to Him.

Image of St Anne with the Child Mary

Prior to the Blessed Virgin Mary’s birth, her mother was barren, but following a life of prayer and fasting, an Angel appeared to her saying, “The Lord has heard your prayer, and you shall conceive, and shall bring forth, and your seed (offspring) shall be spoken of in all the world”.

At the Temple, Mary’s proud parents introduced her to the chief priests. They blessed Mary saying, “O God most high, look upon this child, and bless her with the utmost blessing, which shall be for ever”. (St James’ Gospel)

The Feast of the Presentation of Mary is the 21st of November.

Mary, Queen of Heaven:

Give us a heart as beautiful, pure and spotless as yours.
A heart like yours, so full of love and humility.

May we be able to receive Jesus as the Bread of Life,
to love Him as you loved Him, to serve Him under the mistreated face of the poor. (Extract from prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary)

Glory be to the…

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Prayers to: The Blessed Virgin Mary

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