St Norbert (1080 Approx. – 1134) was born in Xanten, Germany. His father was Count of Gennep. He was educated in his home area and at an early age, through the influence of his family, he was ordained sub-deacon in Xanten and received a parish subsidy.

St Norbert lived the good life on his substantial income; he avoided ordination and refused an appointment as Bishop. However, one day following a near-fatal horse-riding accident and realising the fragility of life, St Norbert took his religious growth much more seriously and turned to a life of penance and prayer.
After ordination to the Priesthood, he founded an Abbey and in the following years sold his property and gave the proceeds to the poor. With the permission of the Pope, he became a travelling preacher throughout West Germany, Belgium and Northern France challenging demoralised clergy and converting many to Christianity. He founded a Religious Order in France and in 1126, was appointed Archbishop of Champagne. His reforming works gained him the title “Apostle of Antwerp”.
St Norbert was canonised a Saint in 1582. His Feast Day is the 6th June.
St Norbert:
Pray for us that we will see clearly our mortality and use our time wisely to prepare for eternal life through Jesus’ Gospel teachings.
Glory be to the…