St Monica (331 – 387) was born in Tagaste, Algeria. She was the mother of St Augustine of Hippo. (354 – 430)
St Monica’s husband was a “pagan” who, it is said, had a violent temper and multiple wayward habits! Her good deeds towards the Church, helping the poor and needy, annoyed him greatly.
St Monica bore two sons and a daughter. Her husband prevented her from having them baptised so, when her son, Augustine, became seriously ill, she was distraught at the thought of his pending death and non-baptism. Finally, her husband agreed to Augustine’s baptism but as the child’s illness subsided, he withdrew his concent.
As her son Augustine grew older, his wayward life trouble St Monica greatly, bringing her much anguish and endless pain. Her answer was undying prayer and unswerving trust in Jesus Christ.
St Augustine finally recognised his tyranical ways, describing his youth and early years as mispent. Aged around 32, he converted to Christianity and in 391 was ordained a Priest in Hippo Regius, Algeria.
On the orders of Pope Martin V, in 1430, St Monica’s relics were transferred to a side chapel inside the Bascilica of St Augustine, her son, in Rome.
St Monica’s patronages include, saint of difficult marriages and disappointing children! Her Feast Day is the 27th August.
St Monica:
Pray that our children will live in a home where honour and respect permeate their daily life.
Glory be to…