Although there is some variation in the recognised number of Archangels across Christian religions, common among most is Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. Michael and Gabriel are mentioned in the New Testament and Raphael in the Old.
We perceive the Angels and Archangels as having a very special place in God’s Kingdom so, it follows that we often ask them for their help.
[“The angel of the Lord” in the Bible is God, communicating with human beings. The angel guiding the people of Israel through the desert is Michael (“who is like God”) – Israel’s guardian angel. Only two other angels in the Bible have names – Gabriel (“strength of God”), Raphael (“healing of God”). (Fr John)]
The Feast Day of the Archangels is the 29th September.
Michael, Gabriel and Raphael:
Blessed Archangels,
we beseech you to help us
in all our needs and trials of this life,
through the power of God.
(Extract from prayer to Raphael)
Glory be to the…