St Margaret (1045 Approx. – 1093) was also known as Margaret of Wessex, Queen Margaret of Scotland and the Pearl of Scotland.

St Margaret was born in Hungary while her father, Prince Edward, was in exile. She grew up in a very religious and pious environment. Her family returned to England in 1057 whereupon, her father suddenly died on arrival. In 1068 the family again fled England, on this occasion to Scotland. There she married King Malcolm III and they had eight children.
St Margaret established various monasteries and Centers of Prayer. She happily tended to many daily charitable needs; serving food to orphans and the poor in the morning before she would sit down to eat. It is also said that she would often wash the feet of the poor, in imitation of Christ’s act on Holy Thursday. She rose at midnight to attend daily Church services and spent much of her personal time in prayer and doing penance.
In 1093 St Margaret’s husband and son were killed in a military battle, St Margaret already very ill, died three days later. Her Feast Day is the 16th of November. Her Patronages include Scotland and parts thereof.
St Margaret of Scotland:
We pray that in our everyday work we will never forget our family nor the poor, Jesus’ death nor our own salvation.
Glory be to the Father…