Daily Prayers

Prayer is Love, I want to Love

Julian The Hospitaller

St Julian (Pre 12th Century) was first written about in the twelfth century. He was born into a noble family but, according to pagan witches, his life was jinxed; sadly, he would grow up to kill his parents!

Image of St Julian the Hospitallier

After hearing from his mother about the prophecy, St Julian then aged 10yrs and insistent he would never commit such a terrible sin, left home intending to get as far away from them as possible. He traveled for some 50days reaching Galicia in Spain. There he settled, met and married a wealthy widow.

Some 20yrs on, his parents went looking for St Julian. When they reached his hometown and having visited the nearby altar of St James, they met Julian’s wife who offered them her own bed to sleep in and rest while they awaited the return of St Julian who was on a hunting trip.

When St Julian returned and saw two people sleeping in his bed, he immediately assumed his wife was cheating on him and in his anger, he killed them, his parents. On realising his terrible mistake and with the help of his wife, St Julian repented, sought forgiveness in Rome and promised to live a life of penance.

St Julian and his wife, who had no children, used their wealth to build “seven hospitals and twenty-five houses. And the poor started flowing to him, to Jesus’ Almighty love”. (De Verazze)

St Julian’s Feast Day is the 12th of February. His patronages include childless people, hospitallers, hotel-keepers, hunters and pilgrim travelers.

St Julian:

Pray for us that we will remain on the straight path to Jesus’ promises.

Glory be to the…