St Joseph (1603 – 1663) was born in Cupertino, Italy. His father died before his birth and his home was seized to settle his father’s debts leaving his mother homeless.

As a child, St Joseph experienced visions that continued throughout his life, often making him the object of scorn. He received little education and for many years, his attempts to join a religious order were routinely refused.
St Joseph was finally accepted by the Capuchin Friars as a Lay Brother but only to be dismissed because of his continued visions. Through sheer persistence, he was allowed to work in their stables and after many more years was accepted for ordination and ordained in 1628.
As a Priest, St Joseph’s visions often intensified during Mass and exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. For some, they were a distraction but to others, they confirmed his holiness.
In 1639, St Joseph’s Superiors perceived his visions and alleged levitation, as too great a distraction and forbade him from public life, confining him to a small cell. There he practised severe penance, eating only a few times every week.
Towards the end of his life, St Joseph was allowed to return to his community and publicly perform his duties. Numerous miracles were attributed to him, both during his life and following his death.
St Joseph’s Feast Day is the 18th September. He is the Patron Saint of students and examinations.
St Joseph of Cupertino:
Pray with us for the outcasts and marginalised in our society.
Glory be to the…