The birth of St John the Baptist (Died: 31-36) was foretold by an Angel to Zachariah, John’s father. At the time, Zacharias was an old man and his wife Elizabeth was barren.

John is described as having been sent by God, “To bear witness to the light so that through him everyone might be saved”. John proclaimed a message of baptism for the forgiveness of sins and described Jesus as the one who would, “Baptise with the Holy Spirit”.
When John and Jesus met at the River Jordan, Jesus insisted that John baptise him, whereupon the heavens opened and a voice proclaimed, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased”.
John was imprisoned by Herod (Ruler of Galilee) for denouncing his marriage to his brother’s former wife and niece. Soon after, John was beheaded as a ‘favour’ to Herod’s stepdaughter Herodias.
The Feast of the Nativity of John the Baptist is the 24th June.
St John:
Pray for us that we will proudly proclaim the Gospel of the Risen Jesus Christ.
Glory be to the…