St John (1386-1456) was born at Capistrano, Italy. He studied Law at Perugia University and was appointed Governor of Perugia. As Governor, his efforts to establish peace between warring factions led to his imprisonment.

In captivity, St John studied theology with St Bernardine of Siena and, following his release, he joined the Franciscans and was ordained a Priest.
St John was a highly effective preacher, attracting great crowds in numerous towns and cities. He also wrote many letters warning against heresy and demanding the upholding of Papal supremacy.
At the age of 70, St John was appointed to preach a crusade against invading factions and is said to have gathered together enough troops to break a Turkish siege of Belgrade earning himself the name of, “The Soldier Priest”.
St John died from bubonic plague, which flourished among the armies of that time. His Feast Day is the 23rd October. He is Patron Saint of Belgrade, Hungry and Military Chaplains.
St John of Capistrano:
Pray that we will earnestly share the teachings of Jesus with our family and community.
Glory be to the…