Daily Prayers

Prayer is Love, I want to Love

John Francis Burte

Blessed John Burte (Died 1792) was one among as many as 191 Bishops, Priests, Religious and other secular victims, martyred during the French Revolution.

Image of Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Their deaths became known as the September Carmelite Massacre of 1792. All were imprisoned in a Church attached to a Carmelite Monastery in Paris for refusing to disown their faith and take an oath of allegiance to the de-Christianizing Revolution.

Blessed John Burte was born in Rambervillers NW France. At 16, he joined the Franciscans and was put in charge of a Convent in Paris. He was arrested for permitting his Priests to perform their duties.

Blessed John was martyred on 2nd September 1792.

Bl. John Francis Burte:

Pray for us that we will remain loyal to our faith and share it with our family.

Glory be to the…