St Hilarion (291-371) was born to pagan parents in southern Gaza, Palestine. He converted to Christianity and at 15, lived as a hermit in the desert with St Anthony the Great for two months.

When St Hilarion returned home, he found that his parents had died during his absence, so he sold his inheritance and shared the proceeds with his brothers and the poor. He then returned to the desert, taking with him only the bare necessities to survive. For the next twenty-two years, he lived a very simple nomadic life of fasting, penance and prayer despite, the many demonic temptations he encountered.
St Hilarion was greatly respected for his holiness, healing powers and miracles but he disliked the crowds that his status attracted. Hoping to avoid his many visitors, he moved firstly, to Egypt, then Sicily, Dalmatia and finally Cyprus where he died.
St Hilarion’s Feast Day is the 21st October.
St Hilarion:
Pray that we will find the strength to renounce all evil temptations.
Glory be to the…