Daily Prayers

Prayer is Love, I want to Love

Gamaliel the Elder (or Rabban Gamaliel I) & Abibas

St Gamaliel was a Pharisee, Doctor of Mosaic Law and an authority in the Sanhedrin. St Gamaliel was St Paul’s mentor who spoke of him saying, “I am a Jew, born in Tarsus in Cilicia, but brought up in this city (Jerusalem), educated with strictness under Gamaliel according to the law of our ancestors, and was zealous for God just as all of you are today”.

Image of St Gamaliel and Nicodemus

When the Apostles were brought before the Sanhedrin for preaching Jesus’ Gospel, members were “furious and wanted to execute them”. (Acts 5:33) However, St Gamaliel stood up and defended them saying, “Men of Israel, pay close attention to what you are about to do to these men. For some time ago Theudas rose up…, He was killed…, after him Judas the Galilean arose…, He too was killed… So in this case I say to you, stay away from these men and leave them alone…, if [their work] is from God, you will not be able to stop them”. (Acts 5:35-39)

St Abibas was the second son of St Gamaliel. He converted to Christianity, along with his father. According to St Photios I of Constantinople,  they were baptised together with Nicodemus by St Peter and St Paul. Their Feast Day is the 3rd of August.

St’s Gamaliel & Abibas:

Pray for us that we will be fearless in sharing our faith with others and guiding them to a loving union with Jesus.

Glory be to the…