The Roman Ruler at the time of St Cornelius’ election as Pope was Decius who persecuted Christians; he offering them the choice of martyrdom or giving up their faith and making sacrifices to Roman gods.

Pope Fabian, St Cornelius’ predecessor, was martyred by Decius who then prevented the election of a new Pope. However, while Decius was at war, an election was organised and they appointed St Cornelius.
Although Decius was killed in battle, a new Emperor was appointed and he initiated another period of Christian persecution. St Cornelius was exiled and martyred either as a result of the hardship imposed on him or by beheading. St Cornelius was Pope for less than three years.
St Cornelius (Died 253) is remembered for warmly receiving those who were forced by Decius to stop practising their faith back into the Church without recrimination. His Feast Day is the 16th September.
Pope St Cornelius:
Pray with us for those who feel they have left the Church but want to return and be welcomed.
Glory be to the…