St Cajetan (1480 – 1547) was born into a high-ranking noble family at Vincenza, Italy. His father died when he was two years old.

St Cajetan received a good education and studied Civil and Canon Law at the University of Padua. He then worked as a Papal diplomat to Pope Julius II and a few years after Pope Julius’ death, in 1513, he was ordained a Priest.
Following the death of his mother, St Cajetan returned to his hometown and founded a hospital for the terminally ill. The hospital’s unique emphasis focused on the spiritual welfare of its patients. It’s success led to the establishment of other similar hospitals and the formation of a new Order, devoted to patients spiritual care. St Cajetan offered his life to the sick and the poor everywhere he went.
St Cajetan’s Feast Day is the 7th August. He is the Patron Saint of workers and job seekers.
St Cajetan:
Pray for us that we will seek and find many ways to help our sick brothers and sisters in our family and community.
Glory be to the…