St Alphonsus (1532-1617) was born the son of a wool merchant at Segovia, Spain. He received a limited education while he worked for the family business. At 14, his father died so, his education ended; helping his mother in the home was a greater priority.

At 26, St Alphonsus married and the happy couple was blessed with three children. Sadly, by 31, two of his children and his wife had died.
Thereafter, St Alphonsus became deeply religious. He followed a strict life of prayer and penance that including self-mortification.
Following the death of his third child, St Alphonsus joined a religious community but because of his poor education, his options were few. Yet, at the age of 40, he was accepted by the Society of Jesus in Majorca as a Lay Brother and took his final vows at the age of 54.
St Alphonsus’ general duties were as a porter, serving others by whatever humble means available; a job he cherished for 46 years until his health failed him. It is said that St Alphonsus’ greatest legacy was his personal impact on the people he met in his daily work.
St Alphonsus’ Feast Day is the 30th October.
St Alphonsus Rodriguez:
Pray that we will humbly and happily accept the daily chores we are asked to fulfil.
Glory be to the…