St Adalbert (956-997) was born of Royal heritage at Libice-nad-Cidlinou, Czech Republic. He was well educated having studied for many years at Magdeburg. He and his brother-in-law were ordained priests together and by the age of 30, St Adalbert was appointed Bishop of Prague.

Despite his wealthy heritage, St Adalbert chose a life of “charity, austerity and zealous service to the Church” and as Bishop, he didn’t hesitate to address contentious issues such as polygamy, idolatry and the slave trade.
In 989, he resigned his post as Bishop and lived as a hermit in a Benedictine Monastery in Rome for four years but Pope John XV sent him back to Prague to resume his work. Following bitter noble rivalry including the death of 4 or 5 of his brothers, he again resigned his post of Bishop and became a missionary in Baltic Prussia. There he was martyred for his persistent preaching and conversion to Christianity.
St Adalbert’s Feast Day is 23rd April, the day of his death. His Patronages include Poland, Bohemia and Hungary.
St Adalbert:
Pray for us that we will be granted the grace of perseverance and avoid the temptation of sin.
Glory be to the…