Guidance I

Steer the ship of my life, good Lord, to your quiet harbour, where I can be safe from the storms of sin and conflict. Show me the course I should take.
Renew in me the gift of discernment, so that I can always see the right direction in which I should go.
And give me the strength and the courage to choose the right course, even when the sea is rough and the waves are high, knowing that through enduring hardship and danger, in your name, we shall find comfort and peace. Amen.
Guidance II

O Lord our God, we beseech you, to ask for the gift we need. Steer the ship of our life to yourself, the quiet harbour of all storm-stressed souls.

Show us the course which we are to take. Renew in us the spirit of docility. Let your Spirit curb our fickleness; guide and strengthen us to perform
what is for our own good, to keep your commandments and ever to rejoice in your glorious and vivifying presence.
Yours is the glory and praise for all eternity. Amen.
(By St Basil of Caesarea)
… St Basil of Caesarea: Pray With Us …