Daily Prayers

Prayer is Love, I want to Love

Covid 19 – Coronavirus

Small Red-coloured Cross

God our Father, look kindly upon your people at this time of great world need, calm our thoughts and inspire our hearts.

Holy Spirit, pour your wisdom upon us, make our hearts one, with God the Father.

Jesus, you suffered to the point of death, giving your life in the hope that all would listen and follow your ways. I accept all you ask, forgive me my indiscretions and answer my prayer, … the protection of your people from Covid 19, those caring for sufferers, the suffering and their families.

Virus Image - Covid 19

Blessed Virgin Mary, intercede for me, place my humble prayer for those whom I now pray at your adorable Son’s pierced and bloodied feet. Ask Him to look kindly on all afflicted by the virus especially, those in most need of His Divine help, a task beyond our human abilities.

St Joseph, accompany the faithfully departed victims whom God has called from this earth into the arms of your Divine Son. Welcome them into your Holy Family, a place of eternal happiness.

Lord Jesus Christ, our Risen Saviour, my faith lies with you, in your endless mercy and love for all people. Amen.

Receiving The Sacraments

Mass Attendance:

The obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days is removed during these emergency circumstances of [Church] lockdown. The Covid 19 pandemic is the serious reason why this obligation does not apply at this time.

[Instead,] we are encouraged to develop ways in which we can renew and deepen still more our spiritual relationship with God.


The Congregation for Divine Worship, speaking about the pandemic, reminds the faithful who cannot receive sacramental absolution, that “perfect contrition, rooted in love of God who is to be loved above all things, expressed in a sincere request for forgiveness, insofar as the penitent is able to make it at that moment, and accompanied by the firm intention to go to confession as soon as is possible, obtains forgiveness of all sins, including grave sin” (cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church 1452).

Confessions cannot be heard over the telephone. Services of General Absolution cannot be held as this involves travel and the gathering of people.

(Bishop Patrick McKinney, Nottingham 2021)