Dear God, we ask you to help us find healing and peace in our lives.
Grant us hope in these times of trial. May Maria Goretti, who was strengthened by Your Grace, join us in prayer for the healing of all victims of abuse, particularly those abused as children or young adults.
Fill us with Your Love so that, as Maria prayed for her attacker, we too might have the courage to pray for the true conversion of our abusers, that they might seek Your Mercy through prayer and penance.
Loving God, pour into our hearts and lives Your healing Spirit so that the sacredness of every human person might be respected and protected as the precious image of God.
Help us to live in the peace which Maria Goretti found in Christ and in the love of His mother, Mary. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. (
… St Maria Goretti, Pray for Us …