Background: St Catherine was born in Siena. At around 6yrs, she had her first vision of Christ. She joined a Dominican Order, learned to read and lived outside the convent in, “Almost total silence and solitude in the family home”. At 21, she had another visionary experience, ‘Mystical Marriage,’ in which Jesus asked her to enter public life. St Catherine worked with the poor and sick in Siena, and assisted in papal diplomacy. She received the stigmata (Christ’s wounds) in 1375. She is Patron Saint of Italy. Her Feast Day is 29th April, the day of her death.

Heavenly Father, through the life of St Catherine, we praise and glorify you.
St Catherine, your life was a noble sacrifice, inspired by an ardent love of Jesus, the unblemished Lamb.
In troubled times you strenuously upheld the rights of His beloved, the Church.

Father, honour St Catherine’s wishes, hear my prayers and the prayers of those who seek her intercession. Help us to pass unscathed through the corruption of this world, and remain unshakably faithful to your Church in word, deed
Help us to see Pope Francis, as our anchor in the storms of life.
May he be a beacon of light to harbour your love, amidst the darkness of people’s souls.
Almighty Father, through the hands of St Catherine, grant this, my special petition:
(Share your request...)
…but may Your will be done.
I make this prayer through Jesus, your Son, in the bond of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
… St Catherine of Siena, Pray for Us …