Reflection: There is a Saint in all of us. Everyone can become a Saint. The choice is ours.
Let’s seek the help of the existing Saints.
Leader (L): Lord have mercy on us Response (R): Lord have mercy on us
L: Christ have mercy on us R: Christ have mercy on us
L: Lord have mercy on us R: Lord have mercy on us
L: Christ hear us R: Christ hear us
L: Christ graciously hear us R: Christ graciously hear us
L: God the Father of Heaven R: Have mercy on us
L: God the Son Redeemer of the world R: Have mercy on us
L: God the Holy Spirit R: Have mercy on us
L: Holy Trinity, one God R: Have mercy on us
The RESPONSE to the following invocations is: Pray for Us
L: Holy Mary
L: Holy Mother of God
L: Holy Virgin of Virgins
L: St Michael
L: St Gabriel
L: St Raphael
L: All Holy Angels and Archangels
L: St John the Baptist
L: St Joseph
L: All Holy Patriarchs and Prophets
L: St Peter
L: St Paul
L: St Andrew
L: St James (son of Zebedee)
L: St John
L: St Thomas
L: St James (son of Alphaeus)
L: St Philip
L: St Bartholomew
L: St Matthew
L: St Simon
L: St Jude
L: St Matthias
L: St Barnabas
L: St Luke
L: St Mark
L: All Holy Apostles and Evangelists
L: All Holy Disciples
L: All Holy Innocents
L: St Stephen
L: St Lawrence
L: St Vincent
L: St’s Fabian & Sebastian
L: St’s John & Paul
L: St’s Cosmos & Damian
L: All Holy Martyrs
L: St Sylvester
L: St Gregory
L: St Ambrose
L: St Augustine
L: St Jerome
L: St Martin
L: St Nicholas
L: All Holy Bishops and Confessors
L: All Holy Doctors of the Church
L: St Anthony
L: St Benedict
L: St Bernard
L: St Dominic
L: St Francis
L: All Holy Priests and Levites
L: All Holy Monks and Hermits
L: St Mary Magdalene
L: St Agatha
L: St Lucy
L: St Agnes
L: St Cecilia
L: St Anastasia
L: St Catherine
L: St Clare
L: All Holy Virgins and Widows
L: All Holy Saints of God
The RESPONSE to the following invocations is: Lord, save your people
L: Lord be merciful
L: From all evil
L: From all sin
L: From your wrath
L: From sudden and unprovided death
L: From the snares of the devil
L: From anger, hatred and all ill-will
L: From the spirit of uncleanness
L: From lightning and tempest
L: From the scourge of earthquake
L: From plague, famine and war
L: From everlasting death
L: By the mystery of the Holy Incarnation
L: By thy coming
L: By Thy birth
L: By Thy baptism and holy fasting
L: By Thy Cross and Passion
L: By Thy Death and Burial
L: By Thy Holy Resurrection
L: By Thy wonderful Ascension
L: By the coming of the Holy Spirit
L: On the day of judgement
The RESPONSE to the following invocations is: Lord, hear our prayer
L: Be merciful to us sinners
L: That You will spare us
L: That You will pardon us
L: That it may please you to bring us to true penance
L: Guide and protect Thy Holy Church
L: Preserve in Holy Religion the Pope and all in Holy Orders
L: Humble the enemies of the Holy Church
L: Give peace and unity to the whole Christian people
L: Bring back to the unity of the Church all those who are straying, and bring all unbelievers to the light of the Gospel
L: Strengthen and preserve us in your Holy Service
L: Raise our minds to desire the things of Heaven
L: Reward all our benefactors with eternal blessings
L: Deliver our souls from eternal damnation and the souls of our brethren, relatives and benefactors
L: Give and preserve the fruits of the earth
L: Grant eternal rest to all the faithfully departed
L: That it may please You to hear and heed us, Jesus, Son of the living God
L: Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world R: Spare us, O Lord
L: Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world R: Graciously hear us, O Lord
L: Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world R: Have mercy on us
L: Christ, hear us R: Christ, graciously hear us
L: Lord, Jesus, hear our prayer R: Lord, Jesus, hear our prayer
L: Lord, have mercy on us R: Lord, have mercy on us
L: Christ, have mercy on us R: Christ, have mercy on us
L: Lord, have mercy on us R: Lord, have mercy on us
… All Angels, Archangels and Saints: Pray for Us …