Leader (L): Lord, have mercy on us. Response (R): Christ have mercy on us.
(L): Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us. (R): Christ, graciously hear us.
(L): God the Father of Heaven. (R): Have mercy on us.
(L): God the Son, Redeemer of the World. (R): Have mercy on us.
(L): God the Holy Spirit. (R): Have mercy on us.
(L): Holy Trinity, One God. (R): Have mercy on us.
(L): Holy Mary. (R): Pray for us.
(L): Holy Virgin of Virgins. (R): Pray for us.
(L): Saint Roch, despiser of sin. (R): Pray for us.
(L): Saint Roch, faithful disciple of Jesus Christ. (R): Pray for us.
The RESPONSE to the following invocations is: Pray for us
(L): St. Roch, who sacrificed your wealth and yourself for the poor.
(L): St. Roch, who bore the mortifications of Jesus Christ.
(L): St. Roch, whose heart burned with charity.
(L): St. Roch, who championed undying love for Jesus Christ.
(L): St. Roch, who gave your life to solace the sick.
(L): St. Roch, who served the plague-stricken with heroic courage and zeal.
(L): St. Roch, who arrested the ravages of the plague by the Sign of the Cross.
(L): St. Roch, who saved cities from the plague.
(L): St. Roch, who finally succumbed to the plague.
(L): St. Roch, who became a model of patience for the plague-stricken.
(L): St. Roch, who miraculously recovered to good health.
(L): St. Roch, who, despite no wrongdoing, was discredited and imprisoned.
(L): St. Roch, who was confined to prision until death.
(L): St. Roch, who was invoked against the plague by the Church.
(L): St. Roch, who was crowned by Jesus Christ with glory and honour.
(L): St. Roch, our protector.
(L): Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. (R): Spare us, O Lord.
(L): Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. (R): Graciously hear us, O Lord.
(L): Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. (R): Have mercy on us.
(L): Christ hear us. (R): Christ graciously hear us.
(L): Pray for us, Saint Roch, our protector. (R): That we may be made worthy of the promises of Jesus Christ.
Let Us Pray.
Grant, O Lord we beseech Thee, that through the intercession of Saint Roch Thy Confessor, you will look upon us favorably and turn away from us the scourge of Thy wrath, and reconcile us to Thy Divine Majesty. We ask this though our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.