Daily Prayers

Prayer is Love, I want to Love

Litany Of St Francis Of Assisi

Leader (L): Lord, have mercy on us. Response (R): Christ have mercy on us.
(L): Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us. (R): Christ, graciously hear us.
(L): God the Father of Heaven. (R): Have mercy on us.
(L): God the Son, Redeemer of the World. (R): Have mercy on us.
(L): God the Holy Spirit. (R): Have mercy on us.
(L): Holy Trinity, One God. (R): Have mercy on us.

(L): Holy Mary, conceived without sin. (R): Pray for us.
(L): Holy Mary, Patroness of the Order of St Francis. (R): Pray for us.
(L): Saint Francis, Saintly Patriarch. (R): Pray for us.

The RESPONSE to the following invocations is: Pray for us

(L): St. Francis, most prudent Father.
(L): St. Francis, despiser of sin.
(L): St. Francis, model of penance.
(L): St. Francis, conqueror of vices.
(L): St. Francis, imitator of the Saviour.
(L): St. Francis, bearer of the marks of Christ.
(L): St. Francis, sealed with the character of Jesus.
(L): St. Francis, example of purity.
(L): St. Francis, image of humility.
(L): St. Francis, abounding in grace.
(L): St. Francis, reformer of the straying.
(L): St. Francis, healer of the sick.
(L): St. Francis, pillar of the Church.
(L): St. Francis, defender of the Faith.
(L): St. Francis, champion of Christ.
(L): St. Francis, defender of thy children.
(L): St. Francis, invulnerable shield.
(L): St. Francis, confounder of the heretics.
(L): St. Francis, converter of the pagans.
(L): St. Francis, supporter of the lame.
(L): St. Francis, raiser of the dead.
(L): St. Francis, healer of lepers.
(L): St. Francis, our advocate.

(L): Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. (R): Spare us, O Lord.
(L): Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. (R): Graciously hear us, O Lord.
(L): Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. (R): Have mercy on us.

(L): Christ hear us. (R): Christ graciously hear us.

(L): Pray for us, O Blessed Father Francis. (R): That we may be made worthy of the promises of Jesus Christ.