Jesus’ Life: Chapter 17 – Jesus’ Last Supper Messages
When we receive a Sacrament we receive the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit. Of course, using those rewards is voluntary but if we do, we will reap many returns as God guides us through His plans for our future.

Peace is one of the multiple fruits of the Holy Spirit.
At the Last Supper, Jesus said to his Apostles, “Peace I leave with you… Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid”.
It was a very special gift to the Apostles; true peace comes only through God.
Knowing his death was imminent, Jesus explained to his Apostles that he would return and assured them that the Holy Spirit would comfort, teach, and guide them. His words were special, “My peace I give to you…”.
Jesus’ love for his Apostles was immense; they had lived, worked, walked and bore many trials and comforts together. However, their Last Supper was a watershed moment and He promised, in their coming days and years, they would not be alone; it was His special promise.
Of course, His great promise extends to us; assuming we accept! (John 14:27-31)
Will I share a few of my ‘rewards’ with someone today through my actions?
Be at Peace; offer everyone whom you meet, your Peace!
Lord Jesus, shower your Peace on the world, my family and myself. I am not worthy of such a special gift but I humbly ask. Thank you, Jesus.
Prayer: Church Unity (John Henry Newman)
O Lord Jesus Christ,
when you were about to suffer,
you prayed for your disciples that they might all be one,
as you are in the Father,
and the Father in you.
Look down in pity on the many divisions
among those who profess your faith.
Heal the wounds which the pride of man
and the craft of satan has inflicted on your people.
Break down the walls of separation which divide Christians.
Look with compassion on all souls and bring them together
under the Holy Catholic Church.