Jesus’ Life: Chapter 2 – Jesus’ Birth And Childhood
Growing up involves accepting oneself, in full.
Some people may be described as shy or quiet, in contrast to others who are more boisterous and outgoing. Yet, that doesn’t mean one is better than the other; it simply means, both have unique talents which need managing in a way that respects everyone.
Of course, this theory is easy to contemplate in silent moments; it’s much harder to put into practice. But, don’t forget, each of us has our own challenges, despite some people seeming to have an overabundance of blessings.
When the Blessed Virgin Mary was a teenager, she had major issues to deal with. She was in love with Joseph and they planned to get married. Then a “bombshell exploded” in her young life. An Angel from God appeared and told her that she would become pregnant by the Divine power of the Holy Spirit, and she would give birth to a Son whom she would call Jesus.
Mary’s response to the Angel was, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” (Lk 1:26-38)
Would I have had more questions than Mary to ask of the Angel before accepting? Do I humbly receive the tasks God places before me or do I moan about the hurdles that befall my way?
Lord Jesus, send your Holy Spirit to me so that I become more like Mary; humble in my heart and willing in my actions.
Prayer: Love (Mechthild of Magdeburg)
Lord Jesus,
love me passionately,
love me often,
love me long.
The more passionately you love me,
the more beautiful I become.
The more often you love me,
the purer I become.
The longer you love me,
the more holy I become.