Daily Prayers

Prayer is Love, I want to Love

Simon Peter’s Sermon And The Crowd’s Reaction

Jesus’ Life: Chapter 20 – Early Spread Of Gospel By the Disciples

Simon Peter boldly stood up in front of the gathered crowd on the day of Pentecost and announced:

Stain-glass window image of Baptismal Font with dove above

“Men of Israel listen… Jesus the Nazarene, a man clearly attested to you by God with powerful deeds, wonders, and miraculous signs… this man, who was handed over by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God, you executed by nailing him to a cross at the hands of Gentiles. But God raised Him up…  because it was not possible for him to be held in its power”. (Acts 2:22-24)

Simon Peter bluntly placed the death of Jesus at the feet of his audience or at least many of those in his audience and then proceeded to explain how scripture prophecy had been fulfilled from the prophet Joel to David; while the ministry of Jesus was God the Fathers plan, he told them, the death of Jesus was the act of sinful people.

Baptism of a child

When the crowd heard Peters address, many were “acutely distressed” and asked the Apostles, “What should we do, brothers?” (Acts 2:37) Peter replied, “Repent and be baptised, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:38)

On that day, “about three thousand people” received the gift of the Holy Spirit, they repenting of their sins and publically confirmed their faith in Jesus as the Son of God by being baptised. (Acts 2:41) (Acts 2:14-41)


Do you believe that Jesus is your salvation, is the Son of God, was born to the Virgin Mary, died on Calvary and arose from the dead? That’s faith. God’s energy, the Holy Spirit, lives and works in you!


Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of Your Divine Love. Send forth Your Spirit and they shall be created, and You shall renew the face of the earth.

Prayer: Happiness (St Mother Teresa)

May, today, there be peace within you.
May you trust God, that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities,
that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have received,
and pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be content knowing that you are a child of God.
Let His presence settle into your bones,
and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance,
and to bask in the sun.
It is there for each and every one of you.