Jesus’ Life: Chapter 10 – Jesus’ Last Journey To Jerusalem
Have you had a discussion or maybe a disagreement about money recently?
Money is a common everyday discussion topic. It parallels the displaying of our riches in public. Indeed, people often judge us by our material wealth or lack of it!
Jesus told a crowd this parable:
A landowner produced an abundant crop at harvest time, but his barns were too small to store the grain. So, he decided to tear down the old barns and build larger ones where he could have food in abundance for many years ahead, while he relaxed, drank and celebrated.
But God said to him, “You fool! This very night your life will be demanded back from you”.
Real riches are not what we store on earth. They are what we put in God’s “Wealth Account”, to be repaid in our next life. (Luke 12:16-21)
God is our Creator, our life is a gift. It may be recalled today!
Lord Jesus, take from me all desire for worldly wealth and immerse me in love for your people. Amen.
Prayer: Daily Service to the Poor
Make us worthy, Lord,
to serve our brothers and sisters throughout the world,
who live and die in poverty and hunger.
Give them, through our hands,
this day their daily bread,
and by our understanding love,
give them peace and joy.
Make us, Lord,
worthy to serve our brothers and sisters,
scattered all over the world,
who live and die alone and poor.
Give them today, using our hands, their daily bread.
And, using our love, give them peace and happiness. Amen.