Jesus’ Life: Chapter 19 – The Resurrection Of Jesus
Time: Late Evening on Easter Sunday
St Mark makes a unique reference in his Gospel to the Risen Jesus rebuking His Apostles for, “Their unbelief and hardness of heart”. (Mark 16:14)
It is very probable that the occasion was when He appeared to the Apostles in the locked room on Easter Sunday (Thomas absent). St Mark writes that the Apostles were eating together at the time.
Despite Jesus’ promise that He would rise on the third day and the Angelic appearance to the women at the tomb as well as, the eyewitness evidence of Mary Magdalene & the other Mary and later, Simon Peter and the two Emmaus disciples, the Apostles didn’t or were slow to believe Jesus had risen from the dead!
No doubt, the Apostles were filled with sorrow when Jesus was crucified but they were also filled with fear, fear of what the Jewish leaders might now do to them! It’s likely, their overwhelming fear prevented them from accepting the word of others.
However, now in the presence of the Risen Jesus and able to see, touch and eat with Him, they collectively celebrated and believed. (Mark 16:14)
St. Bernard wrote, “If Christ comes and is present when we sit and eat, how much more when we kneel and pray?”
“My Lord and my God,” you are the Master of life and death; transform my fears from darkness to light. Amen
Prayer: Faith (Unknown)
Lord, let my faith be full and unreserved,
and let it penetrate my thoughts.
Lord, let my faith be joyful,
and give peace and gladness to my spirit.
Lord, let my faith be humble,
and let it surrender to the testimony of the Holy Spirit. Amen.