Jesus’ Life: Chapter 5 – The Sermon On The Mount
St Maximillian Kolbe died in 1945 at Auschwitz concentration camp having offered his life in replacement for a man with a wife and family.
Interestingly, it is said that when a younger and mischevious St Maximillian was reprimanded by his mother saying, “What will become of you?” shocked, he went to the Church to pray. In the Church, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to him and invited him to select one of two crowns, a white crown for purity or a red crown for martyrdom. St Maximillian chose both.
Jesus said:
- The one who listens and lives the Gospel is like a wise man who builds his house on solid rock. When the rain and the wind come, it stands firm.
- The one who listens but doesn’t live the Gospel is like a fool who builds his house on sand. When the rain and the wind come, it is destroyed.
St Maximillian lived the Gospel and helped others to do likewise through his work as a Franciscan Friar. He also offered his own life to save others, through his execution and martyrdom.
St Maximillian built his house on solid rock. (Matthew 7:24-27, Luke 6:47-49)

So, do I listen and follow or just listen?
It is easy to fill our heads with empty promises, listening today and promising to act tomorrow. Nope, that doesn’t work!
Lord Jesus, your Word gives life; grant me the wisdom to live each day by your Word.
Prayer: Holy are Your ways
Help me to understand, Lord,
that what counts is not the road travelled,
but simply putting my hand in yours
and journeying side by side with you.
Lord Jesus, you are the joy of my journey,
the repose in our Father’s home.
Holy, holy is the Lord,
for eternal is your love.