Jesus’ Life: Chapter 6 – Jesus’ Ministry In Galilee (Part 2)
How determined are you in your planning? Do you give up at the first difficulty or perhaps, you are an optimist, you don’t see problems, only answers?
Two blind men followed Jesus shouting, “Have mercy on us, Son of David”. When Jesus continued walking and then went into a house, they followed Him.
Jesus turned to the persistent men and said, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” They replied, “Yes, Lord.” Jesus touched their eyes and said, “Let it be done for you, according to your faith”. Immediately their eyes were opened and they could see.
Jesus asked them to tell no one about what had happened but the joyous men spread the news of Jesus’ miraculous work throughout the region. (Matthew 9:27-31, Mark 10:46-52, Luke 18:35-43)
With true faith, anything is possible but we must remember, God, grants only what’s best for us.
Lord Jesus, thank you for your many gifts. Especially the many I have often taken for granted.
Prayer: Renewal
Lord Jesus,
give us humility wherever pride reigns,
pardon wherever offence abides,
grace wherever sin abounds;
we pray to you;
Jesus Christ, risen Lord,
have mercy on us. Amen.