Jesus’ Life: Chapter 9 – The Way To The Cross

Do you recall the times when you sat bored in a classroom; you didn’t understand what the teacher was talking about and you were too afraid to ask for help? Perhaps, you were afraid to ask because it was not the first but the second time, the teacher had explained the topic!
As Jesus was teaching his disciples, he said to them, “The Son of Man will be betrayed into the hands of men. They will kill him, and after three days he will rise”. This was the second time that Jesus had told them, but they still did not understand and were too afraid to ask what he meant! (Matthew 17:22-23, Mark 9:30-32, Luke 9:43b-45)
Understanding Jesus’ Gospel does not always come easily. But God understands our difficulties and will judge us according to our abilities. Prayer and persistence always help.
Lord Jesus, grant me the grace to persist in my efforts for a deeper understanding of your teachings and love for you. Amen.
Prayer: Perseverance (St Alphonsus Ligouri)
Our Dear Redeemer,
relying on your promises,
because you are faithful, all-powerful and merciful,
we hope, through the merits of your Passion,
for the forgiveness of our sins,
perseverance until death in your grace;
and at length, we hope, by your mercy,
to see and love you eternally in heaven.