Daily Prayers

Prayer is Love, I want to Love

Jesus’ First Teaching Tour in Galilee

Jesus’ Life: Chapter 4 – Jesus’ Ministry In Galilee (Part 1)
Map of First Century Iudaea

From Capernaum, Jesus travelled throughout Galilee to many towns and villages teaching, preaching and healing.

Each day was probably typical of the Sabbath he spent in Capernaum; finding a quiet place early morning to pray, going to the synagogue or another public place to teach his Gospel, healing the sick in the afternoon and evening and then, once again, praying to his Father in Heaven. It’s also probable that Jesus stayed a few days in each town before moving on to the next.

News of Jesus’ teaching and miracles spread throughout Syria and beyond. Large crowds of people would follow him wherever He went and people would travel for miles to meet him; from, “The Decapolis, Jerusalem, Judea, and beyond the Jordan River”.

Jesus healed large numbers from every illness and affliction including, “Those who had seizures, paralytics and those possessed by demons”. (Mt 4:23-25, Mk 1:39, Lk 4:44)


While Jesus comforted many through physical healing, more significantly, He showed them He was the Son of God; only through God’s power could such miracles have happened.

Our strongest Gospel message to others is being obedient to the will of God. “Everywhere you go, preach the Gospel.” (St Francis of Assisi)

Jesus in Capernaum

Lord Jesus, help us to teach your Gospel throughout the world, until the day you return.

Prayer: Faith

Lord, let my faith be full and unreserved,
and let it penetrate my thoughts.

Lord, let my faith be joyful,
and give peace and gladness to my spirit.

Lord, let my faith be humble
and let it surrender to the testimony of the Holy Spirit. Amen.