Jesus’ Life: Chapter 3 – Jesus’ Early Public Ministry
Have you been to any markets recently? They are bustling affairs, often held in town centres. Stallholders can be seen proudly selling their jewellery, clothing, knick-knacks, and numerous other goods to both the shrewd and the unprepared customer. Of course, the market you went to, may have been a Farmers Market where people from the local countryside sell their fresh fruit, vegetables, eggs, cheese, meats or even live animals.

On one of Jesus’ trips to the Temple in Jerusalem, he found the Temple Courts awash with people using them as a marketplace. Animals, from birds to oxen, and money-changers, ready at their tables to do business.
Jesus was not impressed, he made a cord whip and cleared the courts of the animals and money-changers, overturning their tables and scattering their coins. “Do not make my Father’s house a marketplace,” He demanded.
When we receive a gift of value we take special care of it. Perhaps we have it blessed by a Priest. Often, we will carefully wrap it and put it in a safe place or even put it on display for others to come and admire. Such actions reflect the high degree of respect that we hold for that gift.
As for our Churches, they are our established home to the Holy Eucharist, the Sacred Body of Jesus Christ. He is forever present, so we should also make them an extra special place to visit and pay homage.
While people sometimes struggle to understand our preaching and teaching, they seldom have difficulty understanding our actions! Where we show respect, they usually follow.
Lord Jesus, clear any cobwebs from my understanding of the word, “respect.”
Prayer: Teach Us
Teach us Good Lord;
To serve you as you deserve;
To give and not to count the cost;
To fight and not to heed the wounds;
To toil and not to seek for rest;
To labour and to ask for no reward,
Save that of knowing we do your will.