Daily Prayers

Prayer is Love, I want to Love

Jesus Commissions The Twelve

Jesus’ Life: Chapter 6 – Jesus’ Ministry In Galilee (Part 2)

During Jesus’ early ministry he laid careful plans for the time after his crucifixion and death. They included appointing twelve Apostles, taking them on his many journeys and explaining his teachings to them.

Sketch of people following their Leader

When he thought the Apostles were ready to start preaching without Him, he sent them to the villages and towns in pairs with “Divine Power”, instructing them to, “Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers and cast out demons”. He told them to preach a message of repentance and take nothing with them but a walking stick; no food, no sack and no money in their belts.

As this was the Apostles first major public role, we can assume they grew in confidence from each other’s presence and witness on their journey. Soon they would no longer have the comfort of colleagues, nor indeed, have Jesus as their guide; they would be alone.

The Twelve did as Jesus asked; they drove out demons, anointed the sick and shared his saving message with those who would listen. (Matthew 10:1-16, Mark 6:7-11, Luke 6:12-16)


The title Apostle means messenger. In essence, the Apostles were now Jesus’ messengers; He said to them, “Freely you received, freely give”.

Our Church relies heavily on today’s Apostles; Priests, Bishops and other Religious. Without them, her people could not receive the Holy Sacraments. Pope Francis and all Religious, need our daily support and prayers.


Almighty Father, pour the gifts of your Holy Spirit on all Religious. Guide them in their daily work as they shepherd your flock.

Prayer: Priests and Religious

St Paul,
guide all priests and religious.
Help them realise that their actions
speak louder than any words.
Teach them to use their talents
to convey God’s message
but, to rely above all,
on the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Amen.