Jesus’ Life: Chapter 10 – Jesus’ Last Journey To Jerusalem
As Jesus continued on his journey to Jerusalem, He appointed seventy-two disciples and sent them ahead of him in pairs to the villages and towns that he planned to visit.
![Welcome sign](
He told them not to carry a bag, money or sandals but where they were welcomed say, “May peace be on this house” and your peace will remain with them. Then stay, eat and drink whatever is given. “Go”, He said, “I am sending you out like lambs surrounded by wolves”, heal the sick and proclaim ‘the kingdom of God has come upon you”.
To those villages who refuse to welcome you, go into their streets and likewise proclaim to them that “the Kingdom of God has come”. (Luke 10:1-12, Matthew 9:37-38)
It is said that the leaves of an Aspen tree can be seen fluttering in the slightest breeze while the leaves of other surrounding trees remain motionless.
My life can sometimes seem like an Aspen tree; people calmly going about their daily business, while I am beavering away in nervous anticipation of my next problem!
Maybe I need to welcome Jesus more often into my home and be more accepting of his blessing of Peace!
Lord Jesus, your word is love, peace and life. Open my heart to your many blessings. Amen.
Prayer: Peace (St Francis of Assisi)
Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace;
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is error, truth;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
And where there is sadness, joy.