Daily Prayers

Prayer is Love, I want to Love

Jesus Calls Bartholomew

Jesus’ Life: Chapter 3 – Jesus’ Early Public Ministry

Have you made any silly comments about another person’s hometown recently? Perhaps you said something about people living in another part of your country or city! Often, we do so jokingly, although prejudice abounds!

Careful Warning Sign

When Philip, one of Jesus’ disciples, told Bartholomew as he sat under a fig tree that he had found, “The one Moses wrote about,” Bartholomew jokingly replied, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth”.

Nazareth was the place where Jesus grew up whereas Bartholomew was an Israelite.

When Jesus saw Bartholomew coming towards him He said, “Look, a true Israelite in whom there is no deceit!” A very surprised Bartholomew asked, “How do you know me?” Jesus replied, “Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig-tree, I saw you”. Bartholomew answered, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the king of Israel!”

It was a most unusual meeting for Bartholomew. Even though they had never previously met, Jesus knew all about him and subsequently appointed him as one of his Twelve Apostles.

I suspect Bartholomew was much more careful in his future comments about people from Nazareth! (Jn 1:44-51)


We can be sure that Jesus and the Apostles shared many happy and joyous moments together, like this one. However, there is also a useful background lesson here for all of us; casual comments can be easily misinterpreted and often misused.


Lord Jesus, guide me in my thoughts, words and actions. May they forever please you.

Prayer: Faith (St Columbanus & Benedict)

Thank you, most loving Saviour,
for revealing yourself to us.

Knowing you, we desire you,
desiring you, we love you,
and loving you, we forever hold you in our thoughts.

Gracious and Holy Father,
give us the wisdom to discover You,
the intelligence to understand You,
the diligence to seek after You,
the patience to wait for You,
eyes to behold You,
a heart to meditate upon You,
and a life to proclaim You,
through the power of the Spirit of Jesus, our Lord. Amen.