Jesus’ Life: Chapter 19 – The Resurrection Of Jesus
Time: Late Evening on Easter Sunday
The Apostles had much to celebrate and talk about; the empty tomb, the Angelic vision, Jesus’ multiple appearances – to Mary Magdalene & the other Mary, Simon Peter and the most recent, the two Emmaus disciples. Yet, they were very troubled and afraid of what the Jewish leaders might do next; they were well aware that the same news of Jesus’ resurrection had spread across Jerusalem!
In addition, the Risen Jesus had told the women to “tell his disciples, even Peter, that he [was] going ahead of [them] into Galilee. [They] will see him there, just as he told [them]”. (Mark 16:6-7) Thus the Apostles were alert, waiting and wondering; what will happen next!
Late that Easter Sunday evening, in a room behind locked doors, the ten Apostles (minus Thomas) were assembled. It was probably the same room where the two Emmaus disciples had met them. Unexpectedly and suddenly, “Jesus himself stood among them and said, ‘Peace be with you’. [The Apostles] were startled and terrified, thinking they saw a ghost”. (Luke 24:36-37)
Jesus, having greeted them with His peace, continued to allay their fears by endearingly asking, “Why are you frightened and why do doubts arise in your hearts?” “Come,” He said, “look at my [pierced] hands and feet,” “touch me”; “a ghost does not have flesh and bones like you see I have”. (Luke 24:39-40)
Jesus’ resurrection was not a mirage, it was a reality. He had entered the locked room without being noticed or heard, and the Apostles were able to touch and examine his flesh and wounds. As John later wrote, “which our hands have handled”. (1John 1:1)
To further reinforce the Apostles faith in Jesus’ promise of the resurrection of His body, He then asked them, “Do you have anything here to eat?” Jesus wasn’t hungry but by eating the fish and honeycomb they offered, in their presence, the Apostles could see that His body was real. (Luke 24:41-43) Later, the Apostles proudly announced that they had “eaten and drunk with Him”. (Acts 10:41).
Before Jesus left the room, in preparation for the Apostles new Gospel ministry of repentance, mercy and forgiveness, He breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone’s sins, they are forgiven; if you retain anyone’s sins, they are retained”. (John 20:22-23) (Luke 24:36-43, John 20:19-23)
Locked doors will not keep Jesus out!
Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.
Prayer: Most Holy Spirit
Most Holy Spirit, beloved of my soul, I adore You.
Enlighten me, guide me, comfort me, console me.
I promise to submit myself to all You desire of me,
And permit all You wish to happen to me.
Give me Your help, tell me what to do.
Most Holy Spirit, bring peace to my world. Amen.