We pray for the victims of human trafficking and all those in any kind of slavery.
We pray for those rescued from slavery that they may heal from years of abuse.
We pray for retail managers that they may rid their supply chain of enforced labour.
We pray for the men and women who care for those who have been rescued from slavery.
We pray that the Church will rise up and lead the fight against modern slavery.
We pray that we may understand our complicity in buying the goods produced by this evil trade.
We pray that together we can bring an end to modern slavery.
Our Lady, Mother of mercy, pray for us.
Bishop Patrick has sent us this prayer as part of our ‘Freedom from Slavery’ campaign. He has been outspoken in his support for all those in any way helping to combat human trafficking.
He adds: “Know the signs of potential modern slavery/human trafficking:
“Does someone living on your street or serving you in their job show signs of physical or psychological abuse? Look nourished or unkempt? Often wear the same clothes? Appear withdrawn or frightened? Appear under control or influence? Have little opportunity to move freely? Appear totally unfamiliar with the neighbourhood? Seem to be living and working at the same address? Live with a large number of seemingly unrelated people? Get picked up daily and dropped off again very early/late?
“Report any concerns safely to:
Modern Slavery Helpline (UK) 08000 121 700.
More information at modernslaveryhelpline.org.
“Never approach someone you suspect is a victim of modern slavery as you could be putting both yourself and them in serious danger. Report safely as above or by calling the police on 101.”
We share our concern and prayer with all those who are combatting human
God bless us to help,
Fr John
(15th October 2017)
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