On 31st October we celebrated (remembered or regretted) the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Reformation, Martin Luther’s challenging theses against the teachings and corruption of Rome. If only the Church and the Papacy had instigated their own reformation, so desperately needed . . . History tells us what devastation and sadness were the consequences. Reformation, yes: Separation, no.
How well, honestly, do you know the teaching of the Church? How well could you answer questions to satisfy yourself or a genuine enquirer or even an unpleasant non-believer?
Each of these is very good:
(1) The Catechism of the Catholic Church, – a book of 600 pages, at first bewildering but slowly fascinating. (Available FREE online Version)
(2) Compendium of the Catechism. An excellent short version of the Catechism. (Available at usccb.org)
(3) YouCat – meaning “Youth Catechism”, drawn up by Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI for World Youth Day. An excellent summary of the teaching of the Church presenting in an original and, at times, amusing way.
(4) “Your Faith” – a beautifully illustrated summary of our Catholic Faith, ideal for family browsing.
Do consider owning one or more of these books. You will be pleased, I promise.
So often, in discussions over the years, I’ve heard people talk about the Faith in terms that they heard at school. A doctor told me that he knew no more now than he knew at sixteen. Sad, he said, but that’s how it is.
A wonderful heart and mind are amongst God’s gifts to us. We can gratefully respond to the God with whom we shall share all eternity by spending a little good time with God now in prayer, reading, reflection.
God bless us,
Fr John
(5th November 2017)
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