Do you ever imagine “If only I had . . .” and think of all the good you might do? I did it at prayer this week and I knew that no matter how rich I might suddenly become nothing of what I would most want could be bought by money. The child in the womb to be universally recognised as truly a child . . . peace and justice in Syria, Iraq, Yemen . . . end to human trafficking and slavery . . . no more prejudice – racial, colour, national, religious . . . deep respect for women from men, to include equality in every walk of life . . . the problems of homelessness to be resolved for those who do not want to continue living on the streets . . . an agreement at the United Nations to decommission nuclear weapons . . .
The child in the womb to be universally recognised as truly a child . . . peace and justice in Syria, Iraq, Yemen . . . end to human trafficking and slavery . . . no more prejudice – racial, colour, national, religious . . . deep respect for women from men, to include equality in every walk of life . . . the problems of homelessness to be resolved for those who do not want to continue living on the streets . . . an agreement at the United Nations to decommission nuclear weapons . . . true dialogue in the Church about our beliefs . . . freedom of religious worship everywhere. You could add many more.
I went to a meeting of our Leicester priests with these thoughts at the back of my mind last Thursday. A lady spoke to us of the Medaille Trust which works to end slavery and human trafficking and runs 10 houses of refuge around the country. A young man spoke to us of the Diocesan Youth Service at the Briars and around the diocese. He was inspiring as he told us of ways to reach our Catholic young people that church seems unable to.
I came back to the house and opened the post. A wonderful newsletter from Pax Christi (The Peace of Christ) told us of their work in speaking for world peace.
Individual voices speaking to huge problems, like Mother Teresa, Doctors Beyond Borders who go anywhere to serve where there is need. No moaning “It shouldn’t be happening” but going and doing, making good things happen.
It’s God’s way. Jesus and the prophets show it – speak and live God’s truth even when people do not want to hear it. Do God’s work where you are as well as you can. When I win the lottery I shall send all of these a share to help them in their good work.
God bless them and us,
Fr John
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