Fr John has been sitting in his chair today, assisted by the community physio team – a relief for him to be out of his bed. His prayer room has become his bedroom and this is proving a good choice, not only because of it being his favourite room in the house but also because it enables him to connect with the parish as he watches through the window, waving to those helping with the various jobs. He is now under the pallative care team, being cared for at home, as he has decided not to continue with the conventional chemotherapy treatment (although is continuing to take his salvestrol).
He is generally looking well but is very tired, as he has had a difficult few weeks from which recovery time is needed before a full prognosis can be determined. He has had an apology from the medical team looking after him for the problems encountered in hospital but, as always, he remains forever grateful for all the care he has so far received from the hospital myeloma team and the home care team. The house is very busy each day with teams of carers, physios, nurses, sitters, parish helpers – all assisting Fr John with each stage of his journey.
We thank our local priests for helping and welcome back Fr David Cain, priest from the Holy Family Cluster parishes of Sacred Heart, St Margaret Mary and Our Lady of Good Counsel, who will celebrate mass for us on Saturday evening (6.00 pm) and on Sunday morning (11.00 am).
As always Fr John says, “Thank you, thank you” for all the cards and get well messages he is receiving. He really appreciates your words of prayer and encouragement and hopes that he will be able to thank you in person, soon, when well enough.
(3rd December 2023)
See Fr John’s Parish Website for regular updates on his Health.
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