Thank you to all who made possible our celebrations during Holy Week and Easter. The changing decor of the church reflected the themes of each service, which were reverently attended and served by our liturgical teams – sacristans, stewards, readers, ministers of the Eucharist, musicians and singers, the Maundy Thursday offertory procession. Thank you to my young helper at the Easter Sunday mass, who also added her inspirations to the tomb this year – the angel of the Lord, the Lamb of God and even Palm Sunday’s donkey. It has been a blessed time. Thank you.
I share with you again our themes of Lenten prayer and Easter joy:
1. Jesus is the living fountain of water for the Samaritans.
2. Jesus is the light in the darkness for the man born blind.
3. Jesus is the life of resurrection for Simon Lazarus.
4. Jesus is the sin of the world – crucified for us and we are forgiven.
5. Our punishment for sin and wrong-doing is in being forgiven.
Now we know the torment to have hurt someone we love. It is the ultimate pain. “I hurt you and I love you . . . I love you but I have hurt you.”
6. Heaven and hell are not places. They are within us, not we in them.
7. I know I am forgiven but I shall always be sorry . . . I know I love but I long to grow in love, infinite and eternal.
8. “Be perfect as your heavenly father is perfect,” said Jesus.
9. I can be like God.“
10. What is your God like?”
“Like me.”
“Then I can believe in God because I can believe in you.”
Do you remember those themes at mass? They are wonderful for meditation and I hope that in your own prayer you carried from mass what we had all been sharing together. To be like God is a wonderful call and we have all received it.
This week I completed the weekly cycles of treatment I was receiving for myeloma. The hospital has told me how remarkable my recovery has been and will continue to monitor me through doctor’s monthly telephone consultations. Thank you for your prayers over these past months and for the many cards and greetings and gifts you have sent me for Easter.
Every day you are in my prayer. God bless you.
Fr John
Related Links: Popular Reads and Fr John’s Parish Newsletters
(16th April 2023)